Mission Statement
Tennis is a sport of a lifetime and the life lessons one can learn are invaluable. The El Conquistador Tennis Staff is knowledgeable, enthusiastic and dedicated. We are not only interested in the on court success of the player but the development of an accomplished, respectful and resilient person. Our Team is committed to helping you enjoy your time at El Conquistador Tennis. Simply, we are here for you.
Junior Program
Learn Now!
Our Junior Program is designed to enhance the education and enjoyment for all ages, levels and personal goals.
Lessons & Clinics
Improve your game!
Our staff has the experience and knowledge to maximize your potential. Learn in a group or privately with one of our professionals.
Adult Program
In-house leagues, USTA teams, game matching service, weekly drop-ins, lessons/clinics, ball machine. Available at both sites.
Sign up for a league today
Ask for information about our seasonal in-house leagues!
Available for members and non-members

Follow us for updates on the court!
and/or instagram @elconquistadortennis